Se puede aplicar el concepto ecológico a todo lo que hacemos? Creo que es cuestión de consciencia porque les juro que se me ocurrió buscar si existía el “Sexo Verde” y encontré un sin numero de cosas que puedes hacer con tu pareja que están dentro del concepto ecológico.
Que tal? Puedes ser una pareja ecológico si pones en practica estos puntos para hacer que a la hora de tener sexo, tomes en cuenta el medio ambiente.
1.Utiliza Eco lubricantes lubricantes: son los derivados del guaque no contengan petróleo ni esencias artificiales.
2.Compra sabanas de fibras naturales como el Bambú. El Bambú crece rápido y además es perfecto para dormir, es suave.
3.Compra preservativos en paquetes grandes, es decir mas de 20 , así ahorras empaques
4.Utiliza juguetes sexuales con pilas recargables
5.Ducha en pareja: es romántico y además ahorras agua
6.Compra ropa interior que este fabricada con fibras naturales.
7.Apaga la luz y prende velas
Are you wondering what more you can do to help the planet? You take your bike to work, eat organic, but want to do more. At long last we have looked into one of humanity’s favourite pastimes and uncovered the passion that can make a difference for our environment. You can be a bomb in bed without nuking the planet.
Are you wondering what more you can do to help the planet? You take your bike to work, eat organic, but want to do more. At long last we have looked into one of humanity’s favourite pastimes and uncovered the passion that can make a difference for our environment. You can be a bomb in bed without nuking the planet.
1. Turn off the lights. We all have to do our part to stop climate change, energy reduction and energy efficiency are an important part of changing our energy culture.
2. Passion for fruit? If you like to use produce to get the blood boiling, make sure it is GE-free.
3.Oysters and other shellfish can be potent aphrodisiacs, but our oceans are being destroyed at an unprecedented rate - we need to stop plundering for pleasure.
4. Is your yard a safe place to do the deed? Forget about the nosy neighbours, are you using pesticides and chemical fertilisers on your lawn and garden? Would you really want to set your bare bottom on weed killer?
5. Forget the fossil fuel based lubricants like petroleum jelly! Esso's screwing the planet, but you don't have to.
6. Eco-friendly Sex ToysIt may come as a surprise to some environmentalists but sex toys are not environmentally friendly, generally speaking. Many, if not most, adult toys are made from polyvinyl chlorides, known as PVC, that release toxins into the air. 7.Eco-friendly Bed Sheets : By purchasing cotton at a better price per kilo, we help support local and economically sustainable production.
7. Make love, not war.
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